4oz. of 100% Alpaca at $1.5o an oz. Who would pass up a deal like that. And what better way to break in Miss Millie :) Spinning bliss. Navajo plied. I entered this in the Puyallup fair. The fair doesn't start til 5 Sep so I wont know if I won anything until I go after the 5th.

This turned into this....

approx 23o yard of beautiful dk weight yarn. I love these colors together. The roving was from Yummy Yarn. Corriedale roving in "Woobie" colorway. And after looking up what woobie ment on google, I wish my blankie was this lovely when I was little :)
I am currently spinning some of the roving my Hush-Hush Handspun Hootenanny Buddy sent me. I am trying to get more then 400 yards of sock weight yarn out of it...wish me luck. I will take pictures of that as soon as it's all spun up.
In Ravelympics news, I was really busy spinning. I should have entered in some of the spinning events. But I did manage to finish my entry for Mitten Medley. Here are my Bird in Hand Mittens. They are not without flaws and they still need to be blocked but I love them anyway.

STR medium weight sock yarn in "Aquaboy" and "Lodestone" remember back when I scored that beautiful yarn at the Medrona fiber fest? It feels like so long ago.

I was on such a role with the second mitten that I forgot the little flower on the palm...oops oh well. I am just glad that they fit perfectly.
Oh yeah and my bird is blind. I couldn't get the eye just right on my birdy so I decided that he didn't need any right now. I kind of like him with out eyes. How 'bout you?

I also got my August shipment of Spunky Eclectic Roving. BFL is so soft and I loved spinning BFL for my HHHH swap buddy. So I am excited that I will have some of my very own.

The theme for this month was "caliente" and I think that these colors are Hot.I also got my August shipment for the Woolgirl sock club. Just look at all these goodies. Jen comes up with the best packages!

And in kidlet news the kids are doing great. The boys are excited to start school next week. I am excited too. It will just be me and the little munchin, at least for part of the day, I am looking forward to spending time with my girly.

I can't believe that she lets her brother hold her like a little baby. She doesn't let me or her daddy do that. Silly kid.

Well that's all for now. Sorry for such a long post but I guess that's what happens when I don't post as often as I should.

We will miss you little Nick Nack. You were a great friend. Sorry Mom and Dad for your loss.
Beautiful work! Even more beautiful children!
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